Aahh another holiday over. Quite sad really!!! Especially as I spent pretty much the WHOLE holiday sorting out my stupid car.... The old one died, and I had to dispose of it and get a new one....
Brodie and Bodie are searching for Rabbits in the great big dog walking field, great fun!Murphy and Brodie posing on the log in the fieldHere are some pics of the exciting parts of the holiday, ending with the trip to Taupo for obedience, which was a great weekend, unfortunately Brody decided not to work in the ring!
Taupo Obedience
Jan and Janna having a balance competition... after a few wines!
Brody's new buddy and Young Handler for agility - Amir
Onxy posing on the log, dosent he look good!
Koru, Onyx, Moss, True.
Counties Agility